Picasso y sus amigos
Unique testimony, full of sharp observations, about real people and events, this book is the painting of an environment and an era, whose importance has not stopped growing over the years. Around a young and passionate Pablo Picasso and his companion Fernande Olivier gravitated a whole pleiad, from that time onwards increasingly famous: Max Jacob, Apollinaire, Henri Rousseau, Van Dongen, Braque, Matisse, Marie Laurencin, Ambroise Vollard, Gertrude Stein, etc. Places also appear, such as the Bateau-Lavoir, the Lapin Agile, the Closerie des Lilas, etc., that have already entered history. To the literary and intimate preface by Paul Léautaud we add to our edition a brilliant prologue by Juan Manuel Bonet, full of data and anecdotes, which makes this book, written in 1933, relevant again. The friends of Picasso and Fernande Olivier have all become our classics.
Author: Fernande Olivier
Softcover, 320 pages
Only available in Spanish
ISBN: 9788419231796